Tag: BBC

Fake or Real News and Headlines

Fake or real news is seldom out of the headlines. The never-ending debate on Brexit…

Re-Moaners and Trump’eters

Re-Moaners and Trump'eters respective terms for Remain campaigners in Brexit and Donald J Trump supporters…

Migrants and Refugees

Migrants and refugees was written in September 2015 It seems ages since I wrote a…

Not An Election Post

Not an election post was written in April 2015 ahead of the general election in…


There has been a lot going on since my last commentary blog hence my new…

Innocent Until Proven Guilty

Innocent until proven guilty was a blog written in 2015 Not for the first time,…


There is no moustache to join in the fund raising of a Movember in November…

Will They Ever Change – The Price of Fish

Will they ever chnage - the price of fish was a reflection on politics in…

Ramblings on a Referendum

Ramblings on a referendum was written in September 2014 after the Scottish independence referendum I've…

NSA and Snowden – A Year On

NSA and Snowden was written in 2014 but the revelations remain concerning and technology, surveillance…
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