I use Babelcube for book translations and I have multiple books available. These editions are across multiple platforms not just Amazon. Some books are in production and some are completed. Apple’s list is here If you are interested in translating one of my books please use the Babelcube service to set up contact. Babelcube publishes to different platforms, as well as back to Amazon and its international sites and handles all Royalty Payments for sales on a shared basis.

Book Translation & Publishing | Authors & Translators

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Spanish Book Translations – Español

Span Flag

Book TitleEspañolTranslator(s)
To The SurvivorsPara Los SobrevivientesPerla Cecilia Carrizales
The World of FivesEl Mundo De Los CincoAlberto Bakaleinik
InterventionIntervenciónLia Garcia
An Agent’s DemiseLa Muerte De Un AgenteTalia Garcia
An Agent’s PrizePremeo De Un AgenteCristina López
LandscapePaisajeRomina Piscione
CounterContadorBertha Beibel Diaz Beltran
The Persuasive ManEl Hombre PersuasivoHernando Gomez
Not Too MuchNo DemasiadoElsa Gonzalez
Sailing ClearNaveegando ClaroLia Garcia
Sail ChainsCadenas de VelaAlicia Rodriguez
Semblance of StormsSemejanza de TprmentosRocio Lizardo
Spanish Translations

Portuguese Book Translations – Português

Port Flag 2
Book TitlePortuguêsTranslator(s)
LandscapePaisagemCelso Fernando Xavier Gomes Corrêa dos Santos
The World of FivesO Mundo dos CincosRebeca Rodrigues Vargas e Souza
InterventionIntervençâoRebeca Rodrigues Vargas e Souza
An Agent’s DemiseO Agente Da MorteRebeca Rodrigues Vargas e Souza
An Agent’s RiseAscensão De Um AgenteRebeca Rodrigues Vargas e Souza
An Agent’s PrizeO Premio De Um AgenteEmanuel Guedes Santos
The Demise TrilogyTrilogia da MorteRebeca Rodrigues Vargas e Souza
Emanuel Guedes Santos
CounterContadorNick Hops
To The SurvivorsPara Os SobreviventesRebeca Rodrigues Vargas e Souza
Not Too MuchNem TantoJan Lucas Souza
Portuguese Translations

French Book Translations – Français

French Flag

Book TitleFrançaisTranslator(s)
To The SurvivorsAux SurvivantsPascal Pierre Kameim
French Translations

Italian Book Translations – Italiano

Italy Flag

Book TitleItalianoTranslator(s)
The Persuasive ManL’uomo Persuasivo  Matteo Serrago
An Agent’s DemiseLa Scomparsa di un AgenteValentina Cuzzocrea
Italian Translations

Hindi Book Translations – हिंदी

Indian Flag
Book TitleहिंदीTranslator(s)
To The Survivorsबचे हुए लोगों के लिएManjiri Joglekar
Hindi Translations

Other Languages

I am actively looking for additional translators in other languages. German, Mandarin and Arabic are of particular interest as well as other books in existing languages.