In The World of Fives, Part One of The Observer Series, human beings have expanded into the stars. They travel using the benefits of 7D technology. Life and planets are plentiful, intelligent life is not. A near Utopian existence for humans, is supported by the dedication to various services. The Human Federation policy is one of non-intervention. Observe only, that is the mission of The Interplanetary Geographic Service.

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The World of Fives: The Observer Series Part One

Cathy is an Observer in The Interplanetary Geographic Service. She is observing the planet Fivur. There an exceptionally rare convergence of moons and orbits creates massive tidal shifts on the planet’s surface.  Five years into her initial six year mission, with only Ix her Artificial Intelligence system for company, she watches the planet.

Carlo, a Fivurian must overcome the impact of the tides on the planet’s power system, whilst keeping his love Sello safe.  Meanwhile, Cathy tries to persuade her superiors to intervene, and save the lives of the planets humanoid population.  If she can save them, they will need a new home, but Earth’s factions have different ideas.  Meanwhile, another intelligent species on the planet the Sharok wait to feast on any human or Fivurian who ends up in the water.

The book is also available from Amazon in Germany, France, Italy, Spain, Canada and selected other Amazon sites

The start of a new series of Science Fiction books for more details please visit The Interplanetary Geographic Service Home Page.

World of Fives Publishing

Fives CoverWorld Of FivesJul 2014AmazonAudible USA
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Apple Books

Monica McIntire
Monica's Web Site
World of Five SpanishEl Mundo De Los CincoMar 2021AmazonSpanish
Alberto Bakaleinik
World of Fives PortO Mundo dos CincosNov 2019AmazonPortuguese
Rebeca Rodrigues Vargas e Souza

The Observer Series Part Two – Intervention