
Easy Update With A Social media Twist

Time for an easy update on what's happening in my authoring world. First things first.…

The Demise Trilogy in Audio Format

Out today the Demise Trilogy in Audio format. Available at Amazon, Audible UK, Audible USA,…

Zodiac and The Case of Declan Williams two more new releases!

Out today in Kindle and paperback formats are Zodiac and The Case of Declan Williams.…

Lines and Sailor Knot – Great news! They are both Published Today

Lines and Sailor Knot are not one, but two new releases!. Like buses two books…

Take Four In Audio Format

Take Four is out in Audio Format narrated by CC Kline. You can get it…

Agent’s Demise Audio Re-Release

The An Agent's Demise audio book has now been re-released via the ACX platform. It's…

Coming Soon – Updated Covers Exciting?

In between actually trying to write my Works in Progress, I've been preparing my Coming…

Coming Soon Covers

In between actually trying to write my Works in Progress, I've been preparing my Coming…

An Agent’s Prize in Audio Format

An Agent's Prize is now available in audio format narrated by Stephen H. Marsden. This…

Re-Semblance – Out Today

Out today the sequel to Semblance of Storms, Re-Semblance available in Kindle or Paperback format…
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