Semblanza de Tormenta se Publica en Español – Semblance of Storms in Spanish

Semblanza de Tormenta se publica en Español traducido por Rocio Lizardo. Ahora disponible como libro electrónico en Amazon, Apple, Barnes and Noble, Google, Libro,

Semblanza de Tormenta Semblance Spanish

Semblanza de Tormenta – Descripción

Todo lo que sus editores exigen es escribir un cuarto libro, no como el fracaso que fue el tercero. Sus dos primeros libros exitosos le dieron fama, algo de fortuna y disputas con su padre, un enfermo terminal. Quiere que su hijo le ayude con su media hermana. Si tan solo su madrastra no le diera mensajes confusos sobre lo que quiere el podría…

Un amigo de la familia y abogado lo ayudarán, como siempre lo ha hecho, pero también hay secretos en su pasado. 

Su nuevo libro será una historia de chico que conoce a una chica en su habitual estilo elaborado y descriptivo. Su agente quiere que lo produzca pronto porque tiene sus propias presiones por parte de sus nuevos inversores. Quizás haya que negociar un acuerdo cinematográfico. El nuevo inversor está representado por una mujer atractiva que tiene mala fama por otros motivos. 
Su editora quiere que él termine el libro para poder evitar que su compañía le pida que le devuelva el anticipo. Ella espera que haya escrito algo tan bueno como su primer libro publicado. Él también lo hace. Necesita concentrarse en escribir este libro y no en redactar nada más. 

 Viejos amores, deseos perdidos y posibles nuevas relaciones siguen distrayéndolo. El estilo de vida tranquila en la playa lo distrae, al igual que los posteriores visitantes a la pandemia. 
Justo cuando empieza a avanzar en los últimos capítulos un huracán se acerca a su casa en Carolina del Norte. Si va a visitar a su padre, es posible que le aguarde otra tormenta en Houston. Su vecino y esa familia añaden más complicaciones y secretos que deben ocultarse o evitarse, especialmente del FBI. 

Otros Libros en Español

Otras traducciones al español de mis libros se pueden encontrar aquí

Translations – languages not English

Lots of updates on translations of my books with dedicated pages created for Spansih, Portuguese, French and Italian copies. This includes links to the various translators via BabelCube, You can find the pages here

Span FlagPort Flag 2French FlagItaly Flag

More translations are in the works.. The current list is here.

Translated versions are available on multiple platforms including Amazon Kindle, Apple Books and Google Play as well as other platforms. These are all as e-books.


Editor’s Note: – Translations are continuing on serval works thanks to the efforts on Bablecube

I have been looking into getting my books translated. This seems to be another minefield for the self published or indie author and yet another potential drain on funds with little possibility of recovery or a return..

So far I have tried Babelcube and now Fiverr without luck. Babelcube has a risk share approach to creating foreign editions which at least is more attractive from a financial point of view but so far I have received no offers. Fiverr as discussed in the comments on my last blog allows buyers and sellers to join up. Sellers or buyers bid or request gigs. I requested a gig for translation services into French or Spanish for my books. I have received 20+ notifications all straight forward unadjusted offers to translate approx 1,000 words for $5 or variations of such. Some offers of work have reviews some don’t.

The contact mechanism was broken on two of the offers when I wanted to make contact. Not one of the offers addressed the request i.e. to translate a book the shortest of which is over 95,000 words. Based on the offers that is $425 minimum per language per book. At Kindle 70% royalty of $2.99 – my normal sale price that is 203 sales of that edition to break even. Then there would be foreign blurb, foreign descriptions, cover art, author profile and marketing – what would be the break even point then.

Is this a risk worth taking. It is impossible to know, will foreign readers flock to my tales that I have kindly arranged to sell in their own language. Advice is split, and of course it is likely that not all the translations will be perfect, recommendations are one thing but I as a non-speaker I will not know until the dreaded review. Of course if the review is in a foreign language I won’t be able to read it. Yes I know I should have studied harder at school to take my limited French further or carried on my Spanish classes, my few words of Russian and most embarrassingly off all my lack of Dutch despite a Dutch mother. There are still language courses and of course Google Translate. These have helped for odd words in the books I have written. No one has told me I have those little elements of French (mostly) incorrect. Perhaps I have put of every French bi-lingual reader on the planet with my offering – who knows. If I really wanted to expand my market I would translate to Chinese.

As with editing or proofreading there is no way of proving a negative. If I invest will I get a return or is this just more vanity on my part?

Now if there is a bi-lingual person out there who would like to help – let me know