The Persuasive Man in Audio Book format is now available narrated by Liam Carolan
It can be found on Audible UK, Audible US, Amazon and Apple.

A tale of greed, insider trading love and misfortune. Spanning the globe as a terminally ill businessman realises his luxurious existence will not help him. He tries to account for his past behaviour, his life, and loves. Ranging from London to Shanghai, via New York, Hong Kong, and Dubai, his greed and behaviour alters businesses and his personal relationships. His persuasive ability brings him success, but at what cost?
Whether he is in his New York apartment, his French Château, or his St Kitts home, he does not know which relationships are real and which are false. All due to his past behaviour. Now, he has to decide what to do with his money, and how to say goodbye.
The book is also available from Amazon in Germany, France, Italy, Spain, Canada and selected other Amazon sites
All my audio books can be found listed here