Just launched a new page The EV Experience and Solar detailing my route to an Electric Vehicle, EV. We then have considerations of solar power, chargers, batteries and home wind. I’ll be updating the journey and experiences as we go along.

Tesla Blue EV Experience

The one above is not my car, wrong wheels. Nor is the one below that I photographed. It was the one that I tried to collect but mine is the same type and colour.

Tesla EV Experience

We purchased a Tesla Model Y All Wheel Drive Long Range. Not the Performance Model. The process has already not been smooth due to Tesla itself and Brent Cross Pick Up location in particular. I won’t regurgitate the pain here, please see the page.

I’ll be copying some elements to the Goodreads thread What Do You Know about Electric Vehicles

EV Experience Other Bits

I’ll also be adding details on our existing Solar system of 14 panels generating 3.6kw/h on a good day. We’re adding the Zappi charger we have chosen and our choice of battery if we decide to get one. Still trying to decide on the battery but compatibility and working applications with Solar delivery are critical. Also looking at energy suppliers who fit the combinations with variable charging. Supercharging at Tesla already done. Much cheaper than petrol!