After the horrendous attacks in Tunisia, Kuwait and France and not forgetting the attack on the African Union base in Somalia, it would be very easy to retreat into our shells.


Throughout British history there have been times when opponents seem to want to attack the very fabric of our existence. Yes, we need to be safe, we need to take precautions but we also need to be brave. Today is Armed Forces day in the UK many of our troops will be parading through local towns and villages. The Government and police has asked us to be more vigilant and they have increased security. Do not stay away, make this a demonstration of our determination not to be terrorised. We are better, braver, and stronger than they are. We do not need to drop bombs on them to prove it. Stand and cheer.


Mourn the dead, care for the physically and mentally wounded. Support our neighbours whether next door or in spirit on another continent

I read this morning of at least one couple who are staying in Tunisia. We should all support that country now and carry on booking holidays. The terrorists want us to withdraw to collapse the government. If we stop going, they will have won. It is the same tactic used in Egypt. Destroying tourism create economic chaos so that they can move in.