White sail, triangle of innocence stretched taught to landward
White foam tops whipped by air and current chase plunge of tidal shift
White cloud scurries across azure cover, hurrying to distant lands to join and coat with translucent gift

Blue Plunge down canyon and hill of mountain or skate on sliver of smooth pond
Blue cover above until glancing at golden orb moistens eyes that turn back to spray from reflected hue
Blue lines on cloth and hull shades dissimilar from sky and water but blended as foam embraces

Green halter neck around reddening skin embracing air and warmth stretched out on deck
Green strip on horizon of distant land too far to swim but minutes to glide to coastal path and rocky shore
Green eyes to consume the views, air crackles with ozone and salt, more spray, more sun, more water, more sea, more sail, to set and breathe the breeze.

Green of another range, of envy from landlubber with churning stomach who turned down the water, the seas, the sails.

©Philip G Henley 2014