A fabulous trip to the beach and a Kenyan Safari. Below, are some of the hundreds of photos, including some from the beach hotel. We went with Secret Escapes and despite initial travel problems had a wonderful time.

More photos from other trips can be found here
We stayed on the beach at the Baobab Beach Resort and then went on Safari staying at Taita Hills and then Salt Lick Lodge. We were joined by two other couples and thanks to them for their forbearance with me taking endless photos and video.

Unfortunately, in the park where we went Rhinos are extinct. Kenya still has approx 1600 but they are not in the parks we went to which were Tsavo East and West. Instead, you would need to go to a park like Lake Nakuru.
We were very lucky to see a leopard in daylight and about to go hunting.

We were apparently unlucky not to see Cheetah despite looking.
Kills and Mates
We did see the aftermath of a lion kill of a zebra. We had seen the pride on a night drive just waking up. The next morning they were full and you could see the blood on their faces. The cubs we had seen on one day looking thin had full bellies the next morning. The pride one male and 8 females were separate from the family group of a tracked female three cubs and an older female.
We also came across a female and male who decided to consummate their relationship in front of us. Later the same female was with three males. There were a lot of carcasses around but most of these were from the drought two years ago.